Academic Honesty Policy

Langston Hughes Middle School and South Lakes High School Academic Honesty Policy

The LHMS and SLHS community embodies a spirit of mutual trust and intellectual honesty that is central to the very nature of the school and represents the highest possible expression of shared values among the members of the school community -- students, teachers, administrators, parents. Students who commit themselves to upholding LHMS and SLHS’s Honor Code will be instilled with a sense of integrity and personal achievement that will last beyond their middle and high school years.


Students attending LHMS and SLHS are expected to conduct themselves honorably in pursuit of their education. Cheating, plagiarism, and fraud violate ethical codes of conduct and will not be accepted at LHMS and SLHS.  The LHMS and SLHS Honor Code conforms to FCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities and aligns to the expectations of the International Baccalaureate program.


Students will…

  • Exercise academic honesty in all aspects of their work.

  • Prepare sufficiently for all types of assessments.

  • Seek extra help from teachers.

  • Avoid engaging in cheating, plagiarizing, and lying.

  • Use sources in the prescribed manner.

  • Report any violations of the Honor Code.

Teachers will…

  • Develop, model, and sustain ethical practices within the classroom setting.

  • Report violations to counselors and administrators.

  • Confer with those who violate the Honor Code.

  • Contact student’s parent or guardian regarding a violation.

  • Record a failing grade for the assignment.

Parents will…

  • Discuss the Honor Code with their child to ensure understanding.

  • Encourage their child to maintain high standards with regard to integrity, honesty, and personal responsibility.

  • Support faculty and administration in enforcing the Honor Code.

Administrators will…

  • Ensure that all faculty, students, and parents receive the Honor Code.

  • Help contribute to a school-wide environment that encourages adherence to the Honor Code.

  • Require teachers to enforce the Honor Code.

  • Maintain accurate records of Honor Code violations.

  • Ensure that the Honor Code is being applied consistently throughout the school.





Trust the value of your own intellect.

Don't have someone write an assignment for you.


Don’t submit assignments (in part or in whole) that you or another person previously submitted.

Undertake research honestly and appropriately credit others for their work.

Don't copy ideas, data, or exact wording without citing your source.

Unauthorized Collaboration (Collusion)



Do your own thinking and your own work.


Actively seek teacher feedback.

Don’t collaborate with another student beyond the extent specifically approved by the teacher.

Cheating (Malpractice)



Demonstrate your own achievement.


Prepare sufficiently for assessments.

Don’t copy answers from another student; don’t ask another student to do your work for you. Don’t fabricate results.  Don’t use electronic or other devices during exams unless instructed to do so.

Be truthful.

Don’t intentionally deceive.

Do original work for each class.

Don’t submit assignments that have been completed for a previous class.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty



Showcase your own abilities.

Report violations of academic honesty.

Keep assessment items/questions confidential.

Don’t allow another student to copy your answers on assignments or exams. 

Don’t share assessment items/questions with others 


Prohibited Use of Technology

Students may not access unauthorized electronic devices during any testing situation including IB, AP, WIDA, PSAT, and SOL exams, as well as classroom environments.  If a device is seen or heard at any time (including breaks) it will be collected and considered an Honor Code violation.  

CONSEQUENCES at Langston Hughes Middle School

Violations of the Honor Code accumulate through the years at Langston Hughes Middle School.

First Offense (and all subsequent offenses):

  • Immediate referral to the student’s administrator and counselor for information purposes and to be recorded in their permanent record.

  • Parent will be contacted by teacher regarding the violation.

  • The student must complete the assignment and will receive a two-grade penalty for cheating (e.g., if the student receives a B on the assignment, it will be recorded as a D).

Second Offense:

  • Immediate referral to the student’s administrator for disciplinary action.

  • Conference including the student’s administrator, the teacher, the counselor, the parent, and the student.

  • Student will be assigned one day of Alternative Instructional Arrangement (AIA).

  • If student is a member of any honor society, the administrator will notify the sponsor of the society of the violation.

    • The society will decide consequences for the member according to the by-laws of the society.

Third Offense (and all subsequent offenses):

  • The administrator will notify immediately the student’s parents and suspend the student from school for one day. Alternative discipline may be assigned as well.

  • Conference including the student’s administrator, the teacher, the counselor, the parent, and the student. Consequences for any additional violations of the Honor Code will be discussed at that time.

  • If student is a member of any honor society, the administrator will notify the sponsor of the society of the violation.

    • The society will decide consequences for the member according to the by-laws of the society.