Hughes Middle School Grading Policy

A Student & Family Guide for Grading and Reporting

Classwork and Assessment Policies

Late Work Policy

Late assignments, both summative and formative, will be accepted with a maximum penalty of 10 percent if submitted within two weeks after the due date.

Make-up Work Policy

If a student is absent, they are fully responsible for completing any missed assignments. Each day of absence affords at least one school day of makeup work opportunity. Following any absence, students should make arrangements with individual teachers for make-up work.

Retake Policy

For summative assessments, at least one new opportunity to demonstrate proficiency up to 100% shall be provided to any student who completes corrective action.  Final exams and midterms are not eligible for retakes.  Assignments in the formative category are not eligible for reassessment.

A student’s grade shall communicate academic performance: what the student knows and is able to do as measured against the learning standards of the course and IB MYP subject specific objectives.  All students will be assessed using IB MYP assessment criteria throughout the course of the year. Task-specific rubrics for assessments will be provided to students at the time the task is assigned.


Grade Book


Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) provides SIS Student Accounts and SIS Parent Accounts to each parent and student at our school. This allows students and parents/guardians to view student attendance, grades, and discipline at any time.

Common Comment Codes

Common comment codes are used at Hughes to communicate additional information to parents and guardians about a student's grade. Below is an explanation of the codes used by teachers and what they mean.

NTINot Turned In (must make up)The student was in class or absent but did not complete/turn in this work. If they do not turn it in, their grade will be negatively impacted with 0% of the assignment value in the gradebook. 
EXCExcused (do not make up)The student did not complete this assignment but you, the teacher, have determined they do not need to make up the work. Their grade will not be impacted.
LLateThe student turned the work in but it was late. This code appears with the student's score (i.e. 10 L).
INCIncomplete (re-do assignment)The student turned in the work but the assignment was not complete or needs to be re-done. This code appears with the students' score (i.e. 10 INC).
NYGNot Yet GradedThe student turned in an assignment and the teacher will be grading it in the near future. This is generally used for major assignments that will take a long time to grade.


Honor Code & Academic Integrity

Cheating and plagiarizing are inappropriate behaviors and shall result in disciplinary action as outlined in Regulation 2601, Student Rights and Responsibilities Booklet.

Students who violate “the spirit or the letter of the law” regarding cheating and plagiarizing must accept responsibility for their actions and the accompanying consequences.  

  • A parent/guardian-student-administrator conference.
  • Retaking a test.
  • An alternative assignment or recompletion of the original assignment.
  • A lowering of the grade or receiving a zero for the assignment, consistent with the school’s honor code.


Grading Scale

24-25 FCPS Grading Scale


IB MYP Scale

Assignments on an IB Rubric are given a score between 0-8 and are converted to a percentage for the gradebook.

IB Score876543210