8th Grade Moving-On Celebration

6:30 PM
Add to Calendar 2025-06-04 18:30:00 2025-06-04 18:30:00 America/New_York 8th Grade Moving-On Celebration

Join us for the 8th Grade Moving-On Celebration!

This is a special time in the life of each 8th grader and their family.  All of us want to make the Moving-On Celebration a happy and memorable occasion with just the right atmosphere of seriousness, pride, dignity, and happiness.  To ensure this occasion is one that all participants will remember, the following guidelines have been established.:   

Dress Code:

  • Young Ladies: Dress, skirt, or dark slacks and blouse, and dress shoes (no flip-flops).   
  • Young Men: Dark slacks, dress shirt, necktie, dark socks, and dress shoes (no flip-flops).   

Event Etiquette:

  • Silence all electronic devices during the ceremony.   
  • Avoid blocking aisles or the view of others.   
  • No food, beverages, or balloons are permitted in the gym.   
  • Please arrive early. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.   
  • Remain seated until the recessional is complete.   

We look forward to your support in making this a joyous and proud celebration for our 8th-grade students!   

South Lakes High School TRANSPARENT

Join us for the 8th Grade Moving-On Celebration!

This is a special time in the life of each 8th grader and their family.  All of us want to make the Moving-On Celebration a happy and memorable occasion with just the right atmosphere of seriousness, pride, dignity, and happiness.  To ensure this occasion is one that all participants will remember, the following guidelines have been established.:   

Dress Code:

  • Young Ladies: Dress, skirt, or dark slacks and blouse, and dress shoes (no flip-flops).   
  • Young Men: Dark slacks, dress shirt, necktie, dark socks, and dress shoes (no flip-flops).   

Event Etiquette:

  • Silence all electronic devices during the ceremony.   
  • Avoid blocking aisles or the view of others.   
  • No food, beverages, or balloons are permitted in the gym.   
  • Please arrive early. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.   
  • Remain seated until the recessional is complete.   

We look forward to your support in making this a joyous and proud celebration for our 8th-grade students!