After-School Program

Learn about the Hughes After-School Program

Hughes Middle School After-School Program (ASP)

After School Activities & Programs Coordinator

Mission and Vision

  • Hughes Middle School is committed to promoting active participation in extracurricular activities to support the academic mission and enrich the lives of students. Students that engage in these programs are more likely to develop positive attitudes towards school, achieve full academic potential, and become productive citizens. Students are encouraged to maintain a balance between their instructional studies, after-school activities, and other outside interests.
  • All clubs are open to all students regardless of sex, race, or ability. The After-School Program is free of charge. We encourage parents with concerns over whether their child would be successful in a certain club to call and talk with the After-School Specialist about those concerns.

To fulfill this mission, Hughes' After-School Program will: 

  • Support student academic achievement 
  • Provide interesting and engaging activities that will attract students into supportive groups and into the broader school community 
  • Teach life lessons such as responsibility, respect for others, teamwork, sportsmanship, goal setting, anger management and hard work
  • Provide a safe haven for youth during after-school hours 
  • Build competency and self-confidence 
  • Provide relationships with committed and caring adults and
  • FOSTER a fun and joy-filled environment