Elective Courses at LHMS


Courses offered:

  • Art Foundations - Art Foundations

    • This is a semester-long course. Art Foundations provides opportunities to explore a variety of art materials, develop art techniques, and use creative thinking skills to express ideas and viewpoints related to the theme of transformation. Use a variety of problem solving approaches to explore concepts, analyze, respond to, and produce meaningful drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics and crafts in a studio setting. Study artists and their works to gain understanding of the artistic process and learn about art produced at different times and in diverse cultures. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Art Extensions - Art Extensions 

    • This is a semester-long course. Art Extensions provides opportunities to use new materials and techniques, refine artmaking skills, and express ideas related to the theme of relationships. Develop a personal style and attain a high level of quality and craftsmanship in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics and crafts. Expand the use of problem solving approaches to explore concepts, analyze, respond to, and produce innovative and meaningful artworks. Study historical and contemporary artists from different times and diverse cultures, and learn to critique personal artworks and the works of others to inform personal artmaking. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • 3D Art - 3D Art

    • Prerequisite - Art Foundations or eighth grade standing.
    • 3D Art Exploration is a semester-long course. Construct and form three-dimensional sculptures, ceramic objects, models, and installations that express ideas related to the theme of boundaries. Use a variety of problem solving approaches to interpret concepts, develop personal style, and refine skills to create meaningful artworks using traditional and non-traditional materials, tools, and processes. Investigate three-dimensional artworks produced by historical and contemporary artists to inform the artmaking process. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Computers in Art - Computer Art

    • This is a semester-long course. Computers in Art provides opportunities to integrate digital technology with traditional art media and practices to create original artwork related to the theme of roles. Work with a variety of software applications, tools, and equipment to create digital images, interactive art, animations, and games. Use problem solving skills to develop personal style, interpret concepts, and explore ethical issues concerning computer generated imagery. Investigate current artists and trends in technological advancements to examine how art is evolving and develop new solutions to artmaking challenges. Prior computer experience is not required. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.


AVID 101

This course is designed to support motivated, capable students in pursuing a rigorous course of high school study leading to acceptance to and success in a four-year college or university. Through a variety of instructional techniques, students develop skills in higher-level thinking, writing across the curriculum, and reading strategies for accessing challenging course material. Students develop time management, note taking, research, organization, and other skills fundamental to success in higher-level mathematics, social studies, English, science, and world language courses. Students participate in college, career, and cultural exploration activities, including field trips. Students must submit an application to be considered for the AVID program.


Band 101

Courses offered: 

  • Beginning Band (no experience at all or those who want same group setting)

    • Beginning Band classes develop skills on woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments. Guidance will be given by the instructor in the selection of an instrument. Simple duets, rounds, and other ensemble literature will be performed in class. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Intermediate Band (for all students who have played at least 1 year and want to be placed in a higher level group)

    • Successful audition - Level 1
      Intermediate Band students will continue to develop skills on woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments. A variety of musical styles will be studied through the playing of band literature. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Advanced Band - Prerequisite Successful audition (Level 1)

    • Advanced Band offers instruction to the advanced player. In-depth study of musical concepts will be conceptualized through challenging band literature. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Percussion Ensemble (only for those who have a year of percussion experience)

    • May require membership in another music class.
      Percussion Ensemble is designed to meet specific needs of percussionists. Content includes study of appropriate ensemble literature, and rehearsal and performance techniques from the various areas of musical composition. Instrumentation of the group is at the discretion of the instructor. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.


Chorus 101

Courses offered: 

  • Beginning Chorus

    • Beginning Chorus provides instruction in proper vocal techniques, music fundamentals, and sight reading. Through the study of appropriate choral literature, students will experience unison and two-part singing. Types of performances may include formal and informal concerts which may involve movement choreography. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Soprano/Alto Chorus

    • Students in Soprano/Alto Chorus participate in a choral experience designed to develop skills as individual musicians and as members of an ensemble. Emphasis is placed upon vocalization and sight-singing through the use of appropriate choral literature. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Tenor/Bass Chorus

    • Students participate in a choral experience designed to develop skills as individual musicians and as members of an ensemble. Emphasis is placed upon vocalization and sight-singing through the use of appropriate choral literature. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.



Computer Solutions & Coding Courses

Computer Solutions & Coding

Courses offered: 

  • Computer Solutions (Semester)

    • This is a semester-long course. Computer Solutions uses project based learning to teach practical computer skills that can be applied to all courses across the curriculum. Instruction includes units in proper keyboarding technique, computer components, operating systems, presentation tools, spreadsheets and charting, databases, word processing, integration, internet research tools, and computer ethics. This course extends student expertise in the 16 Career Clusters and develops an understanding of career pathways with an emphasis on career and college readiness. The above is achieved through meaningful and fun projects that engage all learners.
  • Coding and Innovative Technologies - Prerequisite: Computer Solutions or equivalent skills (Semester)

    • This is a semester-long course. Coding and Innovative Technologies introduces students to coding and emerging technology through hands-on projects. Students will learn introductory coding concepts through a variety of apps and interactive web sites. In addition, students will actively use technology to complete small group or individual projects. Students become confident in their ability to program and are prepared to use tools that are becoming standard in the workplace and in everyday life.

Creative Writing

Students develop their creative writing skills with emphasis on building skills and expertise as writers. Instruction will focus on the writing of poetry, short stories, plays, etc. Students refine their skills using the Six Traits of Writing through planning, drafting, revising, and editing written work. Students expand their writing skills through analyzing and evaluating their own writing and that of others.


Engineering 101

Courses offered:

  • Engineering 1 : Design and Modeling (Semester)

    • This is a semester-long course. Students apply the engineering design process to solve real world problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. This course challenges students to develop higher order problem solving skills by stimulating creativity in a hands-on learning environment. Academic subject disciplines such as applied physics, algebra, and geometry powerfully come alive as students design, build, and test modern structure and vehicle prototypes. Students acquire 21st Century Skills like communication and team problem solving, through the mastery of engineering concepts such as CAD and mechanical advantage. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Engineering 2 Simulation and Fabrication - Prerequisite: Engineering 1 - Design and Modeling (846432)  (Semester)

    • This is a semester-long course. In this course students will experience how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics interact to create our technological society. By active participation in research, design, fabrication, and prototype testing, students will explore various topics in Technology, such as structural engineering and transportation systems. Students will develop problem solving strategies and workplace skills that will be useful in 21st century careers. This course is a dynamic approach to many academic subject areas to include mathematics and science by physically demonstrating these concepts in real world applications with a focus on critical thinking skills and problem solving. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Engineering 3: Advanced Design and Prototyping - Prerequisite: Engineering 2 - Simulation and Fabrication (846332 or 846200) (Semester)

    • Through active engagement and collaboration, students will expand upon work-based readiness skills and processes experienced in prerequisite Engineering courses. Students will develop and apply creative and critical thinking skills to design, document, and showcase prototypes and solutions that solve real world problems in areas that include environmental sustainability. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.


Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS)

Courses offered: 

  • FACS 1 (Semester)

    • This is a semester-long course which emphasizes personal responsibility for the demands of multiple life roles through hands-on, project-based instruction.. Students learn how to maintain their living and personal environments and to use nutrition and wellness practices. Instruction is also provided in childcare and leadership skills. Mathematics, science, language, social sciences, and technology are integrated throughout the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • FACS 2 (Semester)

    • This is a semester-long course. This course provides a foundation for managing individual, family, career, and community roles and responsibilities through project based instruction. Students focus on their individual function in the community as well as how the community influences individual development. Students enrich their knowledge of textiles, nutrition and wellness practices; students learn to maximize consumer and family resources. The course provides students with leadership service in action and with the background on the stages of childhood development. Time is provided for career exploration that will assist students in high school course selection. Instruction in this course emphasizes science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts, where appropriate. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.



Courses offered: 

  • Beginning Orchestra

    • Classes develop skills on the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Guidance will be given by the instructor in the selection of an instrument. Simple duets, rounds, and other literature will be performed in class. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922
  • Intermediate Orchestra - Prerequisite: Successful audition 

    • Intermediate Orchestra students will continue to develop skills on violin, viola, cello, and double bass. A variety of musical styles will be studied through the playing of string orchestra literature. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for this course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Advanced Orchestra - Prerequisite: Successful audition (Level 1)

    • Advanced Orchestra offers instruction to the advanced string player. In depth study of musical styles will be realized through challenging string orchestra literature. Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for this course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.

Theatre Arts

Theatre Arts and Media Communications

Courses offered:

  • Theatre Arts Appreciation (Semester) 

    • Theatre Arts Appreciation is a course where students will be introduced to the basic concepts of performance and collaboration while exploring the role of theatre in their local and global communities. By observing and participating in various performance activities, students will strengthen creativity, confidence, and communication. Students will utilize skills and knowledge acquired to foster an appreciation of theatre. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  •  Advanced Theatre Arts Appreciation - Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Appreciation and/or recommendation of theatre arts teacher.

    • Advanced Theatre Arts Appreciation is a course where students will build upon concepts acquired in Theatre Arts Appreciation by participating in various theatre activities and performances. Students will deepen their appreciation of theatre by analyzing, applying, and enhancing the skills developed in the introductory course. This course is designed for students who are interested in a further enriched study of theatre arts. Participation in co-curricular theatre performances may be required. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Technical Theatre Appreciation (Semester) 

    • Technical Theatre Appreciation is a semester long course where students will be introduced to the basic concepts of technical theatre and collaboration. Through participation in various projects and activities, students will explore production areas including lighting, sound, scenery, costumes, hair, makeup, and design. Students will utilize skills and knowledge acquired to foster an appreciation of technical theatre and design. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.
  • Media Communications (Semester) 

    • Through this course, students will apply communication skills using different types of media. Students will learn and use the correct vocabulary while working in this course. Students will earn the tools for working in front of and behind the cameras. Additional skills covered include: audio and video editing, script writing, creating storyboards, correct interview skills, wiring audio and video equipment, correct research, digital photography, and using computer software for presentations. Students will be responsible for creating, producing, and airing shows for broadcast.

World Languages (French & Spanish)

Courses offered:

  • Spanish 1 Part A

    • Students begin to develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. Students begin to study the POS themes and topics of level 1. Students also explore traditions, customs, beliefs, and cultural contributions and how these elements relate to language. This course does not count as a world languages high school credit.
  • Spanish 1 Part B - Prerequisite: Spanish 1, Part A or permission of instructor

    • Students continue to develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students continue to explore and study the POS themes and topics of level 1. Credit becomes a part of the high school transcript, is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA), and counts towards fulfilling the world languages requirements of the high school Advanced Studies diploma. It also counts towards the number of credits required for high school graduation.
  •  French 1 Part A

    • In this course, students begin to develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. Students begin to study the POS themes and topics of level 1. Students also explore traditions, customs, beliefs, and cultural contributions and how these elements relate to language. This course does not count as a world languages high school credit.
  •  French 1 Part B - Prerequisite: French 1 Part A or permission of instructor

    • Students continue to develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students continue to explore and study the POS themes and topics of level 1. Credit becomes a part of the high school transcript, is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA), and counts towards fulfilling the world languages requirements of the high school Advanced Studies diploma. It also counts towards the number of credits required for high school graduation.
  • Spanish 1 (8th Grade only)

    • Students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students begin to explore and study the POS themes of About Me, My Family, My School, Food, and Clothing. For middle school students this credit becomes a part of the high school transcript and is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA) and counts toward fulfilling the world languages requirement of the high school Advanced Studies diploma. It also counts toward the total number of credits required for graduation.
  • Spanish Immersion 1 - Prerequisite: Grade 6 Immersion, or demonstrated proficiency

    • This course serves as a transition from elementary immersion program to the sequential world languages high school program. Students expand their knowledge of the language to include communicating about themselves and their immediate environment. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. The content of this course is aligned with the Level 1 POS themes of About Me, My Family, My School, Food, and Clothing. Credit becomes a part of the high school transcript, is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA), and counts towards fulfilling the world languages requirements of the high school Advanced Studies diploma. It also counts towards the number of credits required for high school graduation. This course is for Langston Hughes students who have taken Spanish Immersion in grade 6.
  • Spanish Immersion 2 - Prerequisite: Sixth/Seventh Grade Immersion 1 or demonstrated proficiency.

    • This course is designed to meet the needs of the immersion students in regard to their second language development. Students continue their development of language proficiency in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They read material on familiar topics and produce short writing samples while studying the themes and topics of My Activities, My Home Life, Around Town/Travel, Health & Fitness, and Stories. The content of this course is aligned with the Level 2 POS. Credit becomes part of the high school transcript, is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA), and counts towards fulfilling the world languages requirements of the Advanced Studies diploma. This course counts toward the number of credits required for graduation.
  • Japanese 1 (8th Grade Only)

    • Students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students begin to explore and study the POS themes of About Me, My Family, My School, Food, and Clothing. For middle school students this credit becomes a part of the high school transcript and is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA) and counts toward fulfilling the world languages requirement of the high school Advanced Studies diploma. It also counts toward the total number of credits required for graduation. Course taken at South Lakes High School. Transportation provided only to students within South Lakes High School boundaries.
  • German 1 - (8th Grade Only)

    • ​​​​​Students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students begin to explore and study the POS themes of About Me, My Family, My School, Food, and Clothing. For middle school students this credit becomes a part of the high school transcript and is included in the determination of the high school grade point average (GPA) and counts toward fulfilling the world languages requirement of the high school Advanced Studies diploma. It also counts toward the total number of credits required for graduation. Course taken at South Lakes High School. Transportation provided only to students within South Lakes High School boundaries.