Lost a library book? Pay your Langston Hughes Library bill today!

Thank you for helping your student take responsibility toward replacing library books they have borrowed but lost. You can easily make a payment through My School Bucks, the same system that FCPS uses for other payments (field trips, food, replacement laptop chargers, etc.) 

How to pay:

1. Go to www.myschoolbucks.com and login to your parent/guardian account.

2.Click on our school Store. 


3. If needed, click VIEW ALL (not Featured).

4. Click on Library Fines & Lost Books.


Enter the amount for the lost book(s) found in your email from LHMS Library (FCPS).

Please note: If reimbursing the school for the lost book(s) is a financial hardship for your family,
you may (a) make a donation in any amount toward the re-purchase of the books, or (b) talk to
a school librarian about your student providing volunteer service to the school library.

IMPORTANT: Please REPLY to the email you received from LHMS Library to let the librarian
know that you have paid for the lost book(s) or need to discuss the issue. Once we receive
your email we can remove the book(s) from your student’s record. Thank you!

Questions? Email Nora Weiss, Head Librarian. [email protected]